Monday, November 12, 2007

Apply Now for the Plant Breeding Academy - Space is Limited!

The Plant Breeding Academy (PBA), sponsored by the UC Davis Seed Biotechnology Center, is accepting applications for Class II, which will begin in September 2008. Already accepted to the new class are a number of outstanding professionals from the US, Europe and Africa. These individuals work with a variety of crops including grains, vegetables, and legumes.

The PBA is a two year program designed to meet the needs of working professionals, giving them the critical tools they will need to manage a breeding program. Meeting for six one-week sessions over two years, the academy’s schedule allows participants to maintain their current working positions. The course includes lectures, field trips, discussions, homework, and a comprehensive final project where students design a breeding program.

Taught by internationally recognized plant breeders, the PBA is limited in size to give students personal attention. Visit the Plant Breeding Academy website for more information and to apply for the 2008-2010 Academy. For questions, contact Cathy Glaeser, Program Representative, at, or 530-752-4414.